
  • Sára Pataki
    The Hungarian Resque team in Turkey

    “It's like you've gone to war” – HUNOR rescued 17 people from the rubble in Turkey

    For almost a week, the HUNOR unit (Hungarian National Organization For Rescue Services) which consists of the country's most experienced professional firefighters, has been...
  • Éva Szilléry
    László Szalai examining a patient's eye

    ”Even if our mission isn’t profitable we’ll do it” – The Hajnalfény Medical Group helps people in need in Transylvania

    László Szalai is an ophthalmologist who had helped people in need in the Far East earthquake zones and Middle Eastern war zones before realizing...
  • Tamás Velkei
    Balázs Major

    Discovering the largest crusader mural cycle in the Holy Land – Hungarian archeologists are at least as good as their Western colleagues

    By fulfilling his childhood dream, he not only gave his life a purpose, but his work resulted in a university course and institute, too...
  • Lívia Kölnei
    Ágnes Hornung

    A new Secretary of State who believes in the compatibility of being a mother and having a career – an interview with Ágnes Hornung

    Those who know the story of her life rightly think of her as a brave and tough woman. She is the one who left...
  • Sára Pataki
    A group of students of Hungarian origin from South America

    "It’s a bit of a miracle that these communities have kept the language, the culture" – the advent trip of young people of Hungarian origin from South America

    Camila's parents are Hungarian, but she grew up in Argentina. David's mother is Hungarian and his father is Colombian, and while they live not...
  • Kati Szám
    Katalin Novák

    How Katalin Novák is preparing for Christmas and New Year – "I always strive to be truly present where I am"

    Advent, Christmas, and the end of the year bring extra joy and extra things to do. We asked Katalin Novák , President of the...
  • Orsolya Jean
    The Pointed Needle Rock of Monoszló

    15 unique places in Hungary like nowhere else in the world

    Many of us tend to think we have to travel far to find something truly unique. The following compilation is proof of just how...
    Mug shot of András Tomasovszky and László Szilágyi

    The revolutionary technician and the "adventurer" son of the Kazakh mother - the story of two heroes in Nyíregyháza in 1956

    Although there was no violence or gunfight in Nyíregyháza in 1956, two local revolutionary leaders were executed in retaliation.
  • Tamás Velkei
    A 3D printed arm holding an apple

    Bone and heart from the 3D printer: we visited the Laboratory of the University of Pécs

    Did you know that 3D printing technology can now be used to produce artificial limbs or arms? And that advances in technology have made...
  • Anikó Wéber
    The Hungarian ceremonial dress, the Díszmagyar

    A glimpse into the wardrobes of the Hungarian nobility! – We present the most beautiful Hungarian ceremonial dresses

    For centuries, politics and prevailing ideals have influenced what a nobleman wore to family and official functions. We pin tricolored cockades on our clothes...
  • Kata Molnár-Bánffy
    Árpád Potápi talks to Kata Molnár-Bánffy

    Healing from the national trauma – an interview with János Árpád Potápi, Secretary of State

    The Public Treasures series presents month by month the areas that we see as valuable, our common treasure, worthy of preservation and transmission. Hungarian...
  • Kata Molnár-Bánffy
    Open Air Museum Szentendre

    Transylvania comes to life in Szentendre – we visited the new exhibition of the Hungarian Open Air Museum

    You need to have a playful heart to dream up, build and manage a human-scale landscape tableau, a toy city built from real elements...
  • Kata Molnár-Bánffy
    Mária Schmidt

    What shall we do with the heritage of communism? – an interview with Mária Schmidt

    Every year, as we prepare for the commemoration of the 1956 Revolution and Freedom Fight, I wonder whether we will live to see the...
  • Kata Molnár-Bánffy
    Miklós Vecsei

    From minus one to two – We visited Tarnabod with Prime Minister's Commissioner Miklós Vecsei

    "The twinkle in their eyes," says Maca, "tells me which kids want to go from one to two. Or rather from minus one to...
  • Ágnes Jónás
    The water of the Sajó

    Biologists and all nature-loving people may weep: iron-containing wastewater has been flowing into the River Sajó for several months

    The River Sajó, which is even praised by Gyula Juhász in one of his poems, springs from the Gömör-Szepesi mountain range in Slovakia and...
  • Kata Molnár-Bánffy
    Veszprém European Capital of Culture

    Veszprém is to be European Capital of Culture in 2023 – An Interview with Tibor Navracsics Government Commissioner

    Veszprém is a beautiful city. It's nice to walk around it, especially if you have a guide who knows every corner of the city...
  • Kata Molnár-Bánffy
    Opera House

    The Opera House opens – We talked to Szilveszter Ókovács, General Director

    The stage of the Hungarian State Opera House, including the rigging loft, is said to be as many cubic meters as the entire Víg...