
  • Fanni Fekete
    Géza Dunajszky

    „Even as a child I vowed to find their graves” – A Hungarian researching the fate of the victims of the Beneš decrees

    Géza Dunajszky , public writer, choirmaster, and a well-known figure of the Hungarian minority in Upper Hungary, today's Slovakia, faced traumas as a young...
  • Sára Pataki
    Anilla Till

    A young woman hiked the country around solo – “It made me realize what a diverse place Hungary is”

    2550 kilometers. That’s how long the National Blue Circle is. Anilla Till completed it all in 72 days. Alone. " I would prescribe it...
  • Ágnes Jancsó
    The Wood Church of the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple in Barcánfalva, (Bârsana)

    Sky-high wooden towers – unique contributions of Máramaros to the World Heritage

    Some very unique buildings were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1999. Out of the nearly 100 typical wooden churches in Máramaros...
  • Henrietta Vadas
    Zsuzsa Enikő Kocsis and her husband after the wedding ceremony in their traditional folk attire

    “On our wedding almost everyone wore the traditional folk costume” – interview with a native girl from Szék, Romania

    A native of the village of Szék (Sic) in Transylvania, she is passionate about the traditions and costumes of her native people. She organized...
  • Ágnes Jancsó
    János Molnár Cave with a diver inside

    Underwater labyrinth beneath the heart of Buda – The mysterious János Molnár Cave

    Hidden beneath József Hill (now known as Szemlő Hill) in Budapest is an underwater labyrinth, the János Molnár Cave, which stretches for more than...
  • Lívia Kölnei
    Zsuzsa Bergs

    At least 120 children owe their lives to them – The story of a Hungarian - Dutch couple

    At every pro-life event in Hungary, you are likely to meet a humble and very active couple: Ed and Zsuzsa Bergs. They hate the...
  • Sára Pataki
    Dénes Laczkó

    From feed factory to poultry shop chain – how the delicious Székely Csürke (Szekler Chicken) gets to the table

    Born in Gyergyószentmiklós (Gheorgheni), Romania, educated in Kolozsvár (Cluj Napoca), he now runs the largest and most modern feed factory in Romania, and a...
  • Zsuzsanna Bogos
    a set of Hungarian playing cards

    Why is the Swiss William Tell on the playing-card? – Discovering the secret of the Hungarian deck

    In Hungary everyone is familiar with the so-called Hungarian playing cards, this popular, unique, and historical Hungarian game where the cards, oddly, are decorated...
  • Tamás Velkei
    Volunteer hairdresser giving a haircut to a Ukranian refugee boy

    ”Sometimes you want to look pretty, I’m happy now” – Volunteer hairdressers make new hairdos for Ukrainian refugees

    We received an invitation to a special event: the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid turned its office in Erzsébetváros, Budapest into a hairdressing salon for...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Annamária Győrfi and Zsuzsa Győrfi Lászlóné, shepherdesses from Darassa

    Never before have so many herderesses gathered in Hungary! – “It's not merely a struggle, the way we live, but it's wonderful, too!"

    "They are indispensable in everything, helping us fully in the family, in the household, and with the animals. This way of life can only...
  • Sára Pataki
    Dániel Nagy at the EuroSkills Competition is Gdansk, Poland

    Europe’s best at joinery at 23 – “There must be no space between two wooden elements, not even for a sheet of paper”

    He made garden benches as a child and recently became European champion in joinery at the age of 23. Despite his young age, Dániel...
  • Lívia Kölnei
    Zsolt Rancz in front of a bookcase with his books on

    ”It’s Easy For You, ’Cause You’ve a Company” – A cool designer in Transylvania: Zsolt Rancz and the Wameleon Design

    ”Are you a rockstar designer? Has drawing always been your thing? Are you a good problemsolver? Do you love challenges? Can you master Adobe...
  • Fanni Fekete
    Adrán Marcinkó

    “Komárom is a city with weight” – Adrián Marcinkó is building the community of Hungarian entrepreneurs in Slovakia

    Many people think that entrepreneurs are lonely people, and as a minority Hungarian, this can be doubly true. Adrián Marcinkó from Komárom, Slovakia, founder...
  • Lívia Kölnei
    Ildikó Bálint

    "As soon as you enter, time freezes and you find yourself back in your childhood" – Selfieteria in Szabadka: a playground for adults

    She makes other people's dreams come true while realizing her childhood dream. Ildikó Bálint , the founder and creator of the Selfieteria, Selfie Museum...
  • Sára Pataki
    Tamás Bandúr and Zsolt Koncsik on the top of the podium at the EuroSkills Competition

    Are you guys speaking Hungarian now? – Two young ICT Specialists who conquered Europe

    "You can be a game developer or a network engineer," says one of them, explaining why IT is a good career choice. In September...
  • Zsejke Jámbor-Miniska
    The owners of Kiscsikó restaurant, Ildikó and Róbert Puskás with their daughter

    The love of the whole team is in every dish – the Kiscsikó restaurant in Transcarpathia is open even in wartime

    The phone number starts with +38. This is Ukraine. The neighbouring country where there has been a war for two years now and which...
  • Sára Pataki
    Márton Offner

    "I could really be present mentally" – Márton Offner from Zalaegerszeg is Europe's best plumbing and heating technician

    Only 21 years old, but he won the EuroSkills Competition this year. He almost resigned for the silver medal, but in the end, he...