
  • Judit Ottlik
    A pilgrim on her way

    Hungary's seven most beautiful pilgrim routes – Set off to arrive at yourself

    You don't necessarily have to travel all the way to Bali to get away from the noise of the world. You can find physical...
  • Emese Kosztin
    Balázs Szövényi-Lux

    Love is an awakening to yourself

    The most romantic, sensitive man I've ever spoken to, who talks about love in a way that gives you goosebumps. He is passionate, fanatic...
  • Sára Pataki
    Ernő Róbert Seregi ice climbing

    Has been climbing since he was two and a half and has competed minus 29 degrees – our junior world champion ice climber, Ernő Róbert Seregi

    Nineteen years old, he climbs an ice wall in 14 seconds with a pickaxe and crampons. A few weeks ago, Ernő Róbert Seregi from...
  • Sára Pataki
    Kati Zsigone with two of her decorated eggs

    "I was the poorest of the poor, and today I am asked for autographs on the street" – Interview with Kati Zsigóné, the "Queen of Egg Decorating"

    Her third major work, the Egg of Our World, has recently been completed, portraying famous people, world-famous buildings, and universal symbols. Newton, Gagarin, Mother...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Norbert Kalucza boxer during training

    He can't hear the blows, they don't hurt him – Norbert Kalucza is the first Hungarian boxer to compete in the Olympics as a deaf person

    As a child, he couldn't hear or speak, but he wanted to prove that he is as good as anyone. Roma and deaf-mute, he...
  • Zsejke Jámbor-Miniska
    A boy in Rimóc

    ”It is important that they take on work and responsibility, in exchange for which we can help them” – We visited the Roma community in Rimóc

    "Lóránt Vanya, coordinator for public employment, receives the “Presence” (“Jelenlét”) Award" - announced Szilárd Lantos, professional director of the Hungarian Charity Service of The...
  • Fanni Fekete
    portrait of Nick Vujicic

    40-year-old Nick Vujicic adopts and makes a movie about Hungary

    A few days ago, the motivational speaker of Serbian origin visited Hungary again to fill the Papp László Budapest Sport Arena. But Nick Vujicic...
  • Anna Bábi
    A painting of Vilma Rozsváry and Norbert Ormai

    Love and war for independence – the story of the first martyr of Arad and his wife’s was one for the books

    An 18-year-old girl became the wife of one of the most talented officers of the 1848-49 War of Independence and the 87 days of...
  • Júlia Légrádi
    Gyöngyi Tóthné Bán

    Sang all around the world, appeared in NBC’s Today Show – Gyöngyi Tóthné Bán, teacher for more than 30 years now

    She is an English teacher at the Primary School in Balatonboglár, a marathon runner, a multiple Balaton swimmer, a mother of three, and last...
  • Zsuzsanna Bogos
    Lung stew

    Lung strudel and stuffed bovine spleen – Bizarre dishes from old cookbooks

    At first glance, some of the dishes in our old cookbooks may seem bizarre. Stuffed bovine spleen rotisserie. A lamb-brain sandwich with green herbs...
  • Éva Szilléry
    László Szalai examining a patient's eye

    ”Even if our mission isn’t profitable we’ll do it” – The Hajnalfény Medical Group helps people in need in Transylvania

    László Szalai is an ophthalmologist who had helped people in need in the Far East earthquake zones and Middle Eastern war zones before realizing...
  • Zsejke Jámbor-Miniska
    Emil Karáth and his son

    Hungarian marine biologist rebuilds coral reefs with his teenage son

    Marine biologist Emil Karáth almost drowned twice as a child, but despite - or perhaps because of - this, the water became his life...
  • Ágnes Jónás
    Amrita Shér-Gil in an archive photo

    India’s national treasure was half-Hungarian and lived only 28 years – Indian-Hungarian painter Amrita Shér-Gil was born 110 years ago

    In just six years of her adult life, Hungarian-Indian-born painter Amrita Sher-Gil has created an impressive oeuvre of paintings that is now a national...
  • Eszter Király
    Tamás Kertész

    ”I’m not going to give up on my brother” – Tamás Kertész swimmer looks after his wheelchair-bound brother 24 hours a day

    He blinks shyly at the lens but looks me in the eye with great confidence. "I'm more nervous than I was in my university...
  • Emese Kosztin
    László Kupi geologist

    To go somewhere no one had ever been before

    Men too can be scared. Men are also driven by the agony of fear, and the desire to prove themselves. They too are wounded...
  • Anikó Wéber
    A woman with her child beside a Christmas tree in 1906

    ”At the moment of Jesus' birth, the Lake Balaton came to be” – the magic of Christmases past

    There were many Christmas customs and traditions in 19th-century Hungary, which are still kept by many families today. What are they? How did young...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Ferenc Rófusz in front of the Oscar Statue

    ”Someone from above writes into my script” – Oscar-winner Ferenc Rófusz sent a message with The Fly: we'll get hit on if we buzz too much

    Ferenc Rófusz, the animation filmmaker and creator of the first Oscar-winning Hungarian animation film (The Fly, 1981), recently received the Lifetime Achievement Award at...