
  • Sára Pataki
    A girl working in a laboratory

    A salt that shrinks volume – the Hungarian student team broke a record at the International Chemistry Tournament

    The Hungarian student team defended its title at the 7th International Chemistry Tournament in Mexico at the end of August. Out of the six...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    András D. Hajdú

    The eyesight of a Congolese girl and our sight to the world – Photographer András D. Hajdú is inspired by powerful stories and determined people

    András D. Hajdú , a multiple award-winning world-travelling photographer, captures astonishing stories. By his uplifting work, he drew attention to Dr. Richárd Hardi, an...
  • Barbara Baska

    "My father became a hero twice" – The Baska family’s story speaks to hundreds of thousands

    After the Second World War, between 1945 and 1949, around 120,000 Hungarians in Czechoslovakia were deported or driven out of their homeland under the...
  • Andrea Csongor
    a baby being examined

    "We are the ones who get into every household concerned without notice" – Aranka Szabóné Kurucz, a health visitor, always puts the child first

    "I am the one who protects the children" , says Aranka Szabóné Kurucz , who has been helping the everyday life of families for...
  • Krisztián Pomichal
    Gábor Kopecsni teaching archery to a young boy

    "Other peoples' cultures will always be foreign!" – Gábor Kopecsni collects and teaches Hungarian combat techniques

    Hungarians are inherently a warrior nation; so there must necessarily be martial art traditions specific to them. Gábor Kopecsni , the founder of the...
  • Andrea Csongor
    Bengedúz L. Pál

    "Circus is a tool for shaping the world" – Social circus is both healing and deeply human

    The unique world of the circus offers countless stories and metaphors for different artistic disciplines. Although I never really felt attached to it as...
  • Kati Szám
    Fanni Illés

    Fanni Illés: "The para-athletes who make it to a competition have already won the biggest battle with life"

    In Fanni Illés ' life, two factors present a special challenge every day: one she has been given, the other she has chosen. She...
  • Tamás Velkei
    a greylag goose in the Fartő-Hanság National Park

    In the past, people had no idea where the birds went in winter – a fascinating report from the Fertő-Hanság National Park (+ GALLERY)

    Tree frogs slumber on the reed leaves, countless dragonflies chase each other among the cladiums. It's as if we've stumbled into István Fekete's famous...
  • Andrea Csongor
    Two goatlings jumping over a bench on the Marriage Path in Óbudavár

    Blessed are the cheese makers? – The Hungarian Schoenstatt Movement seeks to respond to the problem of the families in crisis

    When I once searched for the smallest settlements in Hungary, I found Óbudavár, at the entrance to the Nivegy Valley. From there, the path...
  • Kati Szám
    Dr. Petra Aczél

    “Humans have been lying since the day they were born” – The deepfake phenomenon is just a new form of lying

    Can you imagine a world where you can never know if what you read, see, or hear on your phone, laptop, or TV screen...
  • Sára Pataki
    Tímea Dutka, the palace's tourist guide in a costume in the role of Queen Elizabeth – with the novel in her hand

    For Sissi, this palace was happiness itself – A novel about the history of Gödöllő Royal Palace

    The Royal Palace of Gödöllő. A place whose owners changed from age to age, while the staff remained the same. Lajos Kossuth, Queen Elisabeth...
  • Ágnes Jancsó
    Navigator Sándor Magyar and pilot György Endresz preparing to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, with the camera is Antal Bánhidi, mechanical engineer, aircraft designer

    "We did it, way to go" – The first Hungarian pilots over the Atlantic Ocean

    In July 1931, the Hungarian press was full of the names of György Endresz and Sándor Magyar , the two Hungarian pilots who were...
  • Kriszta Csák-Nagy
    László Erdei company first ensign, the lead violinist of the Erdei Folk Band

    The policeman from Eger who has his own folk band and plays for one man with the same zeal as for a thousand

    Perhaps for many of us, we have indulged in a hobby as a child – an art or a sport – that we turned...
  • Judit Ottlik
    Patient and caregiver on the patio of a hospice house

    Hospice is pro-life – "By relieving anxiety, we can do a lot to prevent our patients from even considering euthanasia"

    "We are still far from the point where the word hospice can make people feel reassured instead of anxious. We know that people will...
  • Ágnes Jancsó
    Omnibus in Budapest

    Let's bump back to the era of the omnibus!

    The omnibus, once even sung about in an operetta hit, was one of the most popular means of urban transport in the 19th century...
  • Ágnes Jancsó
    Victoria Regia water lily in the greenhouse of the Botanical Garden of Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca)

    One of the richest botanical gardens in south-east Europe – ”Look but don’t touch”

    Sámuel Brassai , the natural scientist and keen keeper of the new Botanical Garden in Kolozsvár (Cluj, Romania) warned visitors to the museum in...
  • Zsejke Jámbor-Miniska
    drought on the Great Plain

    If the Great Plain dries up, this is how it affects your life – "Some people see the need to change, and some people stick to the habit"

    "People are tired of being frightened all the time, so say something cheerful and hopeful for a start!" – this is the kind of...