
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    András D. Hajdú

    The eyesight of a Congolese girl and our sight to the world – Photographer András D. Hajdú is inspired by powerful stories and determined people

    András D. Hajdú , a multiple award-winning world-travelling photographer, captures astonishing stories. By his uplifting work, he drew attention to Dr. Richárd Hardi, an...
  • Barbara Baska

    "My father became a hero twice" – The Baska family’s story speaks to hundreds of thousands

    After the Second World War, between 1945 and 1949, around 120,000 Hungarians in Czechoslovakia were deported or driven out of their homeland under the...
  • Andrea Csongor
    a baby being examined

    "We are the ones who get into every household concerned without notice" – Aranka Szabóné Kurucz, a health visitor, always puts the child first

    "I am the one who protects the children" , says Aranka Szabóné Kurucz , who has been helping the everyday life of families for...
  • Kati Szám
    Fanni Illés

    Fanni Illés: "The para-athletes who make it to a competition have already won the biggest battle with life"

    In Fanni Illés ' life, two factors present a special challenge every day: one she has been given, the other she has chosen. She...
  • Andrea Csongor
    Two goatlings jumping over a bench on the Marriage Path in Óbudavár

    Blessed are the cheese makers? – The Hungarian Schoenstatt Movement seeks to respond to the problem of the families in crisis

    When I once searched for the smallest settlements in Hungary, I found Óbudavár, at the entrance to the Nivegy Valley. From there, the path...
  • Ágnes Jancsó
    Navigator Sándor Magyar and pilot György Endresz preparing to fly across the Atlantic Ocean, with the camera is Antal Bánhidi, mechanical engineer, aircraft designer

    "We did it, way to go" – The first Hungarian pilots over the Atlantic Ocean

    In July 1931, the Hungarian press was full of the names of György Endresz and Sándor Magyar , the two Hungarian pilots who were...
  • Kriszta Csák-Nagy
    László Erdei company first ensign, the lead violinist of the Erdei Folk Band

    The policeman from Eger who has his own folk band and plays for one man with the same zeal as for a thousand

    Perhaps for many of us, we have indulged in a hobby as a child – an art or a sport – that we turned...
  • Fanni Fekete
    Géza Dunajszky

    „Even as a child I vowed to find their graves” – A Hungarian researching the fate of the victims of the Beneš decrees

    Géza Dunajszky , public writer, choirmaster, and a well-known figure of the Hungarian minority in Upper Hungary, today's Slovakia, faced traumas as a young...
  • Sára Pataki
    Anilla Till

    A young woman hiked the country around solo – “It made me realize what a diverse place Hungary is”

    2550 kilometers. That’s how long the National Blue Circle is. Anilla Till completed it all in 72 days. Alone. " I would prescribe it...
  • Henrietta Vadas
    Zsuzsa Enikő Kocsis and her husband after the wedding ceremony in their traditional folk attire

    “On our wedding almost everyone wore the traditional folk costume” – interview with a native girl from Szék, Romania

    A native of the village of Szék (Sic) in Transylvania, she is passionate about the traditions and costumes of her native people. She organized...
  • Ágnes Jancsó
    János Molnár Cave with a diver inside

    Underwater labyrinth beneath the heart of Buda – The mysterious János Molnár Cave

    Hidden beneath József Hill (now known as Szemlő Hill) in Budapest is an underwater labyrinth, the János Molnár Cave, which stretches for more than...
  • Lívia Kölnei
    Zsuzsa Bergs

    At least 120 children owe their lives to them – The story of a Hungarian - Dutch couple

    At every pro-life event in Hungary, you are likely to meet a humble and very active couple: Ed and Zsuzsa Bergs. They hate the...
  • Samu Csinta
    Boris Kálnoky

    Paradise Found – A spiritual adventure tour in the land of the Kálnoky family ancestors

    A gallery of ancestors who built the history of this Transylvanian aristocratic family from the 13th-century Tatar invasion to the communist devastation of the...
  • Kriszta Csák-Nagy
    Mihály Vajda icon painter

    “I paint the face of God because I believe that He became visible” – The icon painter deacon who also painted on Mount Athos

    I enter through the door of a simple, battered family house. In the garden birds chirp, and in the chapel, made out of three...
  • Kinga Halász
    Ágnes Szabó-Keresztes, creator of the Lantern on the Road guesthouse, with her family

    Moving to the countryside, a family’s mission in the Vértes mountains – “On a hill, in the dark, the little house is like a lantern”

    A couple with young children gave up their life in the capital and found a new home and a new job a few years...
  • Barbara Schuster
    Ferenc Marlok in his workshop

    Shaping body and soul – Ferenc Marlok makes scoliosis braces for teenagers

    Ferenc Marlok is a master medical equipment technician who designs and produces custom-made plastic back braces for children with scoliosis. At first, the teenagers...
  • Tamás Velkei
    Volunteer hairdresser giving a haircut to a Ukranian refugee boy

    ”Sometimes you want to look pretty, I’m happy now” – Volunteer hairdressers make new hairdos for Ukrainian refugees

    We received an invitation to a special event: the Hungarian Reformed Church Aid turned its office in Erzsébetváros, Budapest into a hairdressing salon for...