
  • Lívia Kölnei
    Ágnes Hornung

    A new Secretary of State who believes in the compatibility of being a mother and having a career – an interview with Ágnes Hornung

    Those who know the story of her life rightly think of her as a brave and tough woman. She is the one who left...
  • Ágnes Jónás
    Kata Molnár-Bánffy

    Kata Molnár-Bánffy: „Conservatism is not guarding the past, but the future”

    In her recent Facebook post, Kata Molnár-Bánffy urges us to dare to embrace our Christian values, to dare to speak about the importance of...
  • Sárdi Enikő

    “It is no secret and no insult that he is a Gypsy” – the story of an adoption

    “We had to fill out a form in the Child Welfare Agency about the age and state of health of the child we would...
  • Lívia Kölnei
    Family in the field

    “What else is worth investing in but the children of the future?” – In conversation with Katalin Novák

    At the turning point of the Old and New Year, we talked with an energetic politician who thinks in broad social perspectives while at...
  • Edit Csorba

    Alcoholic in the family – Support group for broken-spirited family members

    Alcoholism is a family disease but we are prone to forget the relatives when in fact they have to bear a heavy burden. They...