Hungarians around the world

  • Sára Pataki
    A group of students of Hungarian origin from South America

    "It’s a bit of a miracle that these communities have kept the language, the culture" – the advent trip of young people of Hungarian origin from South America

    Camila's parents are Hungarian, but she grew up in Argentina. David's mother is Hungarian and his father is Colombian, and while they live not...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Áron Trufán with his two kids laying a ceremonial wreath in Chicago

    "As a Szekler, God expects a little more from me" – Chicago pastor believes in friendship between heaven and earth

    Even during his student years in Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mures), there were always communities around Áron Trufán - whether he was going to folk dancing...