Adrián Szász dr.

  • Adrián Szász dr.
    András D. Hajdú

    The eyesight of a Congolese girl and our sight to the world – Photographer András D. Hajdú is inspired by powerful stories and determined people

    András D. Hajdú , a multiple award-winning world-travelling photographer, captures astonishing stories. By his uplifting work, he drew attention to Dr. Richárd Hardi, an...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Annamária Győrfi and Zsuzsa Győrfi Lászlóné, shepherdesses from Darassa

    Never before have so many herderesses gathered in Hungary! – “It's not merely a struggle, the way we live, but it's wonderful, too!"

    "They are indispensable in everything, helping us fully in the family, in the household, and with the animals. This way of life can only...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Liberty Square in Budapest in 1912 on a postcard

    A big New Year's Eve bank robbery in Pest – the action of three petty criminals ended in a tragic bloodbath

    In 1903, at the age of 23, Géza Schäffer was employed by the Hungarian Commercial Bank of Pest, and ten years later he experienced...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Antal Frank

    Bringanti puts even those on special bikes that others have given up on – "The morning wind touched him again, he saw the birds, the trees, the colours"

    He creates bikes for people with special needs – disabled, injured, elderly, or otherwise challenged - but who are enthusiastic and know no limits...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Norbert Biró

    "I see from my memories" – as a teenager, for Norbert Biró, Paralympic bronze medallist, everything got blurred

    He started out as a promising junior national judo player, but at the age of 16 his eyesight began to deteriorate rapidly. As a...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Sándor Iharos running at a race

    World success chased him in vain, never caught up with him – Sándor Iharos, a runner who was faster than everyone

    It is said that in Hungary in the 1950s, Sándor Iharos was to athletics what Ferenc Puskás was to football. In 1955, he was...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Réka Csulak

    “A food photo is only good if it makes you want to go and get it!” – Food photographer Réka Csulak's works win international awards

    She takes photos of food, often preparing the dishes herself, based on her own recipes, and is usually the food stylist for the photos...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Dominic Szoboszlai playing football at the Hungary-Lithuania match

    A new icon is born in Liverpool: Dominik Szoboszlai – The power that can raise him among the best

    He was just 19 when we sat down to talk in a café in Székesfehérvár a few days before Christmas in 2019. He was...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Norbert Kalucza boxer during training

    He can't hear the blows, they don't hurt him – Norbert Kalucza is the first Hungarian boxer to compete in the Olympics as a deaf person

    As a child, he couldn't hear or speak, but he wanted to prove that he is as good as anyone. Roma and deaf-mute, he...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Ferenc Rófusz in front of the Oscar Statue

    ”Someone from above writes into my script” – Oscar-winner Ferenc Rófusz sent a message with The Fly: we'll get hit on if we buzz too much

    Ferenc Rófusz, the animation filmmaker and creator of the first Oscar-winning Hungarian animation film (The Fly, 1981), recently received the Lifetime Achievement Award at...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Robert Capa with his camera

    Robert Capa, the world's best-known war photographer had a passionate desire for peace

    "It's not enough to have talent, you also have to be Hungarian", said Robert Capa, the greatest war reporter in the history of photography...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Áron Trufán with his two kids laying a ceremonial wreath in Chicago

    "As a Szekler, God expects a little more from me" – Chicago pastor believes in friendship between heaven and earth

    Even during his student years in Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mures), there were always communities around Áron Trufán - whether he was going to folk dancing...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Karolina Sávolt

    "For me, painting comes naturally" – Karolina Sávolt amazes with her magical realism at the age of 12

    Twelve-year-old Karolina Sávolt started painting self-taught two and a half years ago and this year she has already had her own exhibition in Budapest...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Mátyás Tóbiás and Schwarzenegger

    "It's hard to pay attention to your surroundings when you have The Terminator standing next to you” – We talked to Schwarzenegger's Hungarian bodyguard

    He was bullied as a child and enrolled in martial arts at the age of 14 to protect himself later in life. And -...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Dániel Kurucz

    ”The people we meet are living historical footprints” – the cool traditionalists say

    Dániel Kurucz, the host-producer of the television series Hungaricums Around the World, has visited Hungarians living in 35 countries on five continents, searching for...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Image: Pixabay

    ‘God saved my life through my daughter’ – When adoption is a manifestation of love

    ‘I got pregnant when I was 17, I still went to high school. I didn’t plan my life that way, as soon as I...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Emese Balázs-Fülöp and Miradi

    Her adopted daughter in Congo expects her back – Emese Balázs-Fülöp, the globetrotting Transylvanian photographer

    She grew up in Gyergyóremete (Remetea) and always knew that she wanted to go to Africa one day. At the age of 22, she...